Monday, January 21, 2008

Instruments banned?

Was reading up on Max Lucado who is one of my favorite authors. He's pastoring a church called Oak Hills Church of Christ (now just called Oak Hills Church) and then I was reading about that denomination.

Apparently, they follow new testament conventions quite strictly, while old testament laws and practices are generally respected but not necessarily followed. One of the conventions that they follow is that instruments are not allowed in the worship service. According to them, there is no record of instruments being used in new testament worship, and therefore nothing is gained by the introduction of them in the worship service. Of course, for many of us musicians a worship service without any instruments would be unthinkable.

So! What do you think of this practice of banning instruments from the worship service? Would you agree with it? Do they actually have a point? Would instruments actually be distracting from the worship rather than adding to it?

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm.... BACK!

will post something new later this week. Finally have phone and broadband services back up after a hiatus of a month.